Q: What was it like growing up without having your parents around that much?
A: It was rough, you know. I got into trouble from time time. I didn't have that normal child-parent relationship.
Q: What was it like being signed onto the Orieles?
A: Life changing. After an hour of playing, Jack wanted me on the team, and I'll always be grateful towards him.
Q: Now everyone is aware of your famous nickname. Do you like it?
A: It's grown on me.
Q: Did you enjoy being an everyday palyer for the Red Sox?
A: Ofcourse. I love this game and to start every game was a dream.
Q: Your transition to the yankees seemed smooth. How did it feel to become the power hosue for the Red Sox's opposing team?
A: I had some of my best feats with the Yankees and I couldn't have been happier with the transition. It was strange at first, but I quickly focused on the games to come.
Clarence Darow
Q: What is your view on science and religion colliding?
A: "The Bible is not one book. The Bible is made up of 66 books written over a period of about 1,000 years, some of them very early and some of them comparatively late. It is abook primarily of religion and morals. It is not a book of science. Never was and was never meant to be."
Q: Why do you agree with Scopes?
A: "We have been informed that the legislature has the right to prescribe the course of study in the public schools. Within reason, they no doubt have. They could not prescribe a course of study, I am inlcined to think... which omitted arithmetic and geography and writing."
Q: Any last thoughts on this topic Mr. Darow?
A: "Ignorance and fanaticism is ever busy and needs feeding. Always it is feeding and gloating for more. Today it is the public school teachers, tomorrow the private. The next day the preachers and the lecturers, the magazines, the books, the newspapers."